Little Fat Fairy!

Aaaa holidays…well today reminded me to make a post of a little drawing i stated for a Christmas gift for ‘The Mans’ sister. I plan to make 3 and this one needs allot of tweaking, but i thought I’d show you anyway.(Just a few notes: She has no wait in her head/arms, colours need work…and she is a fairy, so where did i put the wings? also the shadow is totally wrong & her pose is odd).

Also today Jesse, who i mentioned in a past post, made a visit to the office today. It was great to see him and made me wish I started painting again. Always an inspiration and I hope to see some of his work on his blog sometime soon?…Jesse? you reading this? I’ll keep sending you blogs i find if you start posting your awesome talent my friend!

Happy New Years everyone and I hope you all keep to your new years resolutions…mine? mine is to be some sort of super hero cat woman who saves artists and brings them back to a land of imagination! all i need is to get there my self, map the secret path and send everyone the map…stay tuned. ;).